Run Ghost as a service using Supervisor
Automatically start Ghost as a service every time you boot your Raspberry Pi using Supervisor, a process control system.

If you have been following my previous post on how to Install and run Ghost on a Raspberry Pi, then you should now have successfully done just that!
The next problem we face is getting Ghost to automatically run on boot, so that every time we need to reboot our Raspberry Pi, we don't need to SSH into the Pi and start Ghost manually.
Enter Supervisor
Luckily, it is easy to run Ghost as a service using Supervisor, so that when our Raspberry Pi boots up, Ghost is automatically started as a service.
First, we need to install Supervisor and then create a configuration file:
boo@ghostpi ~ $ sudo apt-get install supervisor
boo@ghostpi ~ $ cd /etc/supervisor/conf.d
boo@ghostpi ~ $ sudo nano ghost.conf
You'll then need to use the following code, assuming you have installed Ghost in the /var/www/ghost
directory as outlined in the previous post:
command = node /var/www/ghost/index.js
directory = /var/www/ghost
user = pi
autostart = true
autorestart = true
stdout_logfile = /var/log/supervisor/ghost.log
stderr_logfile = /var/log/supervisor/ghost_err.log
environment = NODE_ENV="production"
And finally exit (CTRL+X
) and save (Y
). We now need to tell Supervisor to look out for our new configuration file and to use this, which is done simply by:
boo@ghostpi ~ $ sudo supervisorctl reread
boo@ghostpi ~ $ sudo supervisorctl update
You should then see confirmation in the command line that the new Ghost service has been applied and is available.
Now, check that this all works fine by rebooting your Pi (sudo reboot now
) and you should be able to access your vanilla Ghost blog by visiting the Pi's IP address followed by the :2368
port at the end of the URL (as setup in the previous post).
Next steps
If all has gone to plan, then you can now reboot your Pi and your Ghost blog will start automatically thanks to Supervisor. But using the port :2368
suffix on our URL is not very pretty, so to fix that we'll be using NGINX in our next post to redirect your visitors quickly and easily.
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